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Despite a recent spate of criticism, teacher's unions can be and are positive forces for change. Teachers can find many items of value on the official AFT web site. Along with political action information and member benefits, this site is rich with information on the latest educational initiatives being put forward by the union.
Online Libraries Are Great Research Tools is an article from the November 3, 1997 New York Times. The article discusses their value in finding information on the WWW. It also contains many hyperlinks to some of the more valuable online libraries.
WNetSchool is a service provided by PBS afilliate WNET, otherwise known as Channel 13 in the New York metro area. It provides a wide variety of useful lesson plans and online workshops. One area of focus is exploring new ways to make use of the internet and computers as tools within the classroom.
CSUN Social Studies Resources Although some of you may not need assistance in formulating stimulating plans for every class every day, here is a site for the rest of us. Dr. Marty Levine, Professor of Secondary Education, California State University, Northridge (CSUN), has gathered lesson plans and resources from the Internet for teachers of social sciences. This site contains links to literally hundreds (maybe thousands?) of lesson plans.
PowerPoint Palooza With over 200 presentations linked from this page, odds are that you will be able to find at least a few presentations useful for your classes. I have often found that some editing is needed in order to account for older presentations that have been rendered out-of-date by the passage of time, or simply to shift the emphasis in the direction of your preference.
Planbook.com Although I have yet to make the transition to an electronic planbook, so many have, or are considering doing so. Many of my colleagues have been happy with this services of this site, which charges an annual fee of $12.
Planbook This site provides information about a program that seems promising. Although initially more expensive, once you've purchased the software, there are no additional fees, as opposed to the subscription model followed by planbook.com. This program is cross-platform, and can be synced to the companion app for the iPad as well.
Common Core Love 'em or hate 'em, the Common Core standards are driving education policy in New York State and many others at this time. This site provides links to the documents listing the standards and related resources.
There are many other sites that can serve as resources for teachers. This site is under continuous construction, and links will be added as I proceed.
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